Texas Corporation Dissolution
Texas Corporation Dissolution
Sometimes it ends up being necessary to dissolve your corporation or LLC if you are no longer able to do business or moving on to another venture. If you do not file the necessary paperwork to close your corporation then the officers could still be liable for any taxes or other State filing requirements. It is not difficult to dissolve a corporation in Texas. You need to close out with the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts office and file a Certificate of Dissolution with the Texas Secretary of State’s office. We need to make sure and assess your current Texas corporation status to determine the most fairest quote. There will be no surprise charges or hidden fees of any sort. Once we give you a quote it stands firm. Please use our Contact Form to give us your corporation name and your email contact to begin the process of quoting you to dissolve your Texas corporation.
Reference: Texas Terminations and Reinstatements FAQs
Simple and current Texas corporation statuses can file for a Certificate of Termination from the Texas Secretary of State’s office for as low as $175 (Includes State Fees).
Use our Contact Form on the right side of this page to request a free quote to dissolve your Texas corporation. Please include the full name and file Number (if possible) of your Texas corporation when requesting your quote.