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Home » Texas Incorporate Service » Texas Corporate Reinstatement

Texas Corporate Reinstatement

Texas Corporate Reinstatement

Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts office mails you several past due notices before they “forfeit” the corporation. Most notices give an “estimated tax payment” due. These are just “estimates” until the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts office actually receives your filing for the past due periods. Most of the time there is “No Tax Due” and these “estimates” are then cleared. The only thing you will end up owing will be a $50 late file penalty for each year of filing that is past due. However, if your corporation has forfeited then you must begin the Texas corporate reinstatement process.

The Texas corporate reinstatement process begins by researching and finding out why your corporation has been forfeited. Most of the time there are Texas franchise tax returns that are past due with The Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts office. First, all past due reports and any late fees must be filed and processed. You will then request a Tax Letter of Reinstatement. This letter is then filed with the Texas Secretary of State’s office along with their $75 reinstatement fee. The Texas Secretary of State’s office will then issue a final approved Certificate of Reinstatement. This puts your Texas corporation back in “Active” status with the Texas Comptroller of Public Account’s office.

Texas Corporate Reinstatement Process

The Texas corporate reinstatement process takes several steps to complete. Our quote is based on how many Texas franchise tax returns need to be filed, how much is owed in late fees, and if the current corporation name is still available to be reinstated. Most of the time we can get your corporation put back into “Active” status normally within 4-5 business days (providing your corporation name has not been taken in the mean time).

Use the Contact Form to the right to drop us a note so we can get in touch with you if your corporation is in this situation so we can work quickly to salvage your corporation’s name and corporate privileges.

Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts Franchise Tax Department

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